Five Big Differences Between The Two Games
Q: What are the Biggest Differences Between No Limit Hold'em and Pot Limit Omaha?
A: Most poker players begin with some form of Texas Hold'em (usually No Limit Hold'em) when they are starting out in the poker world.
In many cases, people will want to give Pot Limit Omaha a try, usually because many of the best players in the world love the game. The reason behind Pot Limit Omaha's popularity is simple - action. Pot Limit Omaha provides a great deal of action, though the variance in the game is much higher as a result.

1. Four hole cards versus two.
This is the biggest difference when it comes to No Limit Hold'em and Pot Limit Omaha.
In No Limit Hold'em, players are dealt two "hole" cards face down, while in Pot Limit Omaha, four cards are dealt to players, and they can use two of the four cards to make their best possible hand.
2. Betting.
In No Limit Hold'em, you can bet all of your chips whenever you want.
For instance, you could decide to "shove" pre-flop if you really wanted to.
In Pot Limit Omaha, you can only bet the size of the "pot" - no more.
3. Making a hand with your hole cards.
In No Limit Hold'em, you can use just one of your cards to make a hand.
For instance, if the board is reading 5d-6d-Ad-Kd-Qs and you have a single diamond in your hand, you have a flush.
If this same hand occurs in Pot Limit Omaha, you will NOT have a flush if you have just a single diamond in your hand. Let's say that your hand is Ac-2d-Jc-5s. The 2 of Diamonds does not give you a flush. Instead, your hand would be two pair, Aces and Fives.
4. Pairs are less important in Pot Limit Omaha.
Because you are dealt four cards instead of two, pairs are much less valuable in Pot Limit Omaha.
For instance, in No Limit Hold'em, pocket Jacks is a fantastic starting hand.
In Pot Limit Omaha, a hand of Jd-Js-2s-5h is not strong at all and should be folded unless you are in late position or the SB/BB.
5. Newer players to Pot Limit Omaha can have a hard time figuring out where they are in a hand.
Let's say that you are playing No Limit Hold'em and are dealt pocket Aces. You re-raise a pre-flop raiser and caller, and both players decide to call.
The flop comes Kc-2s-3s. In No Limit Hold'em, you will be relatively certain what you are up against in a hand like this. There is a good chance that at least one of the players has A-K, while another player might have a middle pair or something like A-J.
What if you have Aces in Pot Limit Omaha and the flop comes 10s-10d-8s? In No Limit Hold'em, given the pre-flop action described above, there is a great chance that you'd be ahead in the hand.
But what about in Pot Limit Omaha?
With both players having four hole cards, there is a good chance that you'll be up against something like trip Tens, a flush draw or a straight draw, or maybe even more than one of these. Your pocket Aces will suddenly look a lot less desirable when one of the players put out a pot limit bet after the flop. What are you going to do then? Go with your pocket Aces?
Pot Limit Omaha can not be played in the same way as No Limit Hold'em, or else you will lose badly to decent+ players.
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