Lex Veldhuis, Ben Spragg Are Twitch.tv's Most Popular Poker Streamers

Q: Who Are The Most Popular Poker Streamers on Twitch.tv?

A: The Twitch.tv Poker world has experienced exponential growth over the past couple of years.

The likes of Jason Somerville and Jaime Staples have launched careers off of their streaming popularity, as Somerville branched off into various related businesses and Staples signed a sponsorship deal with Pokerstars and then partypoker.

The list of top online poker streamers.With that being said, Somerville and Staples are not the Kings of Twitch.tv. That crown belongs to one man - Lex Veldhuis.

By practically any metric, Veldhuis crushes the rest of his Twitch.tv Poker competition.

According to TwitchMetrics.net (as of May 2020), Lex Veldhuis posted 1,276,523 viewer hours over the course of the past 30 days. This is measured by multiplying his hours live by his total average viewers.

The next up on the list? Ben "Spraggy" Spragg, with total viewer hours of 360,163. A fantastically strong number, but well behind Veldhuis.

In May of 2020, Veldhuis posted one of the biggest peak viewership numbers of all time, as 35,714 simultaneous viewers watched him battle it out at a SCOOP $5,200 final table.

Veldhuis has average viewer numbers of 8,569 simultaneous viewers. Veldhuis has the third largest number of followers in the Twitch.tv Poker universe (220,231, compared to 238,162 for Run It Up and 232,239 for Pokerstars).

Veldhuis does extremely well with his channel, as he currently has over 4,000 subscribers and receives numerous donations during every stream. In addition, he has one of the most secure Pokerstars sponsorship deals, as the site will be very hesitant to let him walk, given his popularity in the Twitch.tv world.


Here are the ten most popular Twitch.tv Poker streamers as of May 18th, 2020 (by total viewer hours over past 30 days):

1. Lex Veldhuis, 1,276,523 Hours
2. "Spraggy", 360,163 Hours
3. "EasyWithAces", 330,234 Hours
4. "Runitup247", 323,032 Hours
5. "ALLinPav", 184,538 Hours
6. "MattStaples", 177,776 Hours
7. "ArlieShaban", 158,258 Hours
8. Pokerstars, 137,696 Hours
9. "Zapahzamazki", 136,706 Hours
10. "Innerpsycho", 130,087 Hours

Of the top ten streamers, five - Veldhuis, Spragg, "EasyWithAces", Arlie Shaban and Mikhail "Innerpsycho" Shalamov - are sponsored by Pokerstars.

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