Multiple Players Have Won Three World Series of Poker Bracelets in a Single Year
Q: What is the Record for Most WSOP Bracelets Won in a Single Year?
A: What is the record for the most number of World Series of Poker bracelets won in a single calendar year?
The record currently sits at three bracelets won in a single year, and this record is held by multiple people.

Phil Hellmuth - 1993
Phil Ivey - 2002
Jeff Lisandro - 2009
Walter "Puggy" Pearson, 1973
Of the four players that have won three WSOP bracelets in a single year, three are in the Poker Hall of Fame (Hellmuth, Ivey and Pearson).
In this day and age, winning three World Series of Poker bracelets in a single year is nearly impossible, given the level of talent that is out there, plus the enormous size of the fields.
Win one or even two bracelets in a year? Okay, but three requires a special sort of run-good.
It seems hard to imagine anybody breaking the record by winning four or more bracelets in a single year.
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