Definition of Announce a Bet
What does it mean to "announce a bet" in poker? What is the definition of the term "announce a bet"?
In poker, "announcing a bet" occurs when you verbally declare that you are going to be making a bet.

Let's take a look at another slightly different example.
You are sitting in the same No Limit Hold'em cash game. Action folds around to you on the button. You say "call", which means that you are now committed to calling.
You can also announce the size of your bet as well. Let's say that you and another player are in a hand. The turn has just been dealt, and you are first to act. You say "Bet $50" - this means that you are committed to a bet of $50. You can't suddenly put in $200, and you can't suddenly declare that you are going to check instead.
Verbal bets are usually binding.
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