Definition of Makeup
What is the definition of the term "makeup" in poker? What does the term "makeup" mean?
In poker, "makeup" refers to the amount that a player that is being staked "owes" their backer. More accurately, makeup represents the dollar amount that must be earned before a player that is being staked can start to split profits again, based on the terms of the agreement.
For instance - let's say that a backer agrees to back somebody. The terms of the deal state that the two parties will split profits 50/50. If there is any "makeup", this must be earned back before the backed player can earn any profits.

In order to start splitting profits again, the backed player must have a $50,000 upswing in order to bring things back to even, so that the backer is no longer losing money. After this "makeup" has been paid back, any profits will be split 50/50.
If the backer decides to terminate the backing agreement early while the player is still in makeup, it is generally accepted that the player will not have to pay back any of the makeup.
If the player decides to leave the backing agreement early while in makeup, it is generally accepted that they will need to either pay the makeup back or negotiate a payout, provided that they intend to remain in the poker world. If the player decides to quit poker altogether, it is generally accepted that the backer will simply need to accept the loss and move on.
Terms for how makeup will be dealt with should be included in any backing agreement in order to prevent issues if the backing agreement doesn't work out.
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