Definition of Triple Barrel Bluff
What is the definition of the term "triple barrel bluff" in the game of poker? What is a triple barrel bluff?
In poker, a "triple barrel bluff" occurs when a player bluffs on the flop, turn and river. These increasingly larger bets are usually accompanied by a pre-flop raise.

Let's say that you are playing in a cash game at your local casino. There is a pre-flop raiser from early position. You are on the button and decide to call with pocket Jacks in order to try and trap your opponent, plus you have a read on your opponent that says he is very loose/aggressive. Everyone else folds.
The flop comes 7h-7s-10h. This looks like a very good flop for you. The pre-flop raiser leads out with a pot-sized bet and you decide to call.
The turn brings the 3s. Again, the pre-flop raiser leads out with a pot-sized bet, and you make the call once again.
The river brings the 2d. This looks like a very safe card. The pre-flop raiser pushes all-in.
Does your loose/aggressive opponent have anything? Did they wake up with pocket Aces? Do they have something like A-10?
After a great deal of thought, you decide to lay your hand down. Your opponent flips over J-Q for the complete bluff.
This is a great example of a "triple barrel bluff", as he bluffed you on every street (flop, turn, river).
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