Full Tilt Poker Still Closed After AGCC Suspends Licenses
Published on June 30th, 2011 11:42 pm EST
As a result of this move by the AGCC, everything on Full Tilt Poker came to a screeching halt. No deposits. No withdrawals (well, not much of that has been going on lately at Full Tilt anyways). No games.
Full Tilt Poker's game servers have been down all day. There is a note on their site that says "Maintenance in Progress - We apologize but the system is currently down. Please check back later".
Full Tilt Poker has been emailing some of its customers tonight, telling them that they are in "ongoing discussions with the AGCC with the aim of rectifying the situation as soon as possible".
It appears, though, that Full Tilt Poker will be reopening under another licensing jurisdiction. That jurisdiction looks to be the KGC (Kahnawake Gaming Commission). Full Tilt Poker was formerly licensed by the KGC, and it appears as though they will be going back after being (temporarily) shut down by the AGCC.
The KGC currently licenses rooms such as UB and Absolute Poker.
People noticed earlier tonight that both Fulltiltpoker.com and Fulltiltpoker.fr now resolve to a mohawk.ca server, which is on the Kahnawake Data Centre.
Chances seem to be good that Full Tilt Poker will soon be announcing that they are re-opening their doors with a license from the KGC..
Source: Subjectpoker.com - Full Tilt Looks to the KGC
Filed Under: Online Poker Rooms
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