Full Tilt Poker Expected to Make Multiple Statements As Resumption of AGCC Hearing Nears
Published on August 30th, 2011 11:03 pm EST
Three statements are apparently forthcoming from Full Tilt Poker, with the first expected to be released this week.
The first statement is expected to detail the company's efforts to secure an investment that would save the company. Full Tilt will presumably discuss the state of negotiations between themselves and the "original investor" in this statement.
Further statements will reportedly talk about the deposit shortfall and asset seizures that ended up crippling the company.
Full Tilt Poker finally broke their silence last week via an exclusive statement to Pokernews.com. Pocket Kings Ltd. revealed that they had concluded the exclusivity period of negotiations with the "original investor" (unnamed European investor) and were now in negotiations with "additional potential investors".
Pocket Kings also apologized for the "lack of communications with its customers over the last month and a half".
As mentioned, the resumption of Full Tilt Poker's AGCC hearing is set to resume "no later" than September 15th.
It is becoming increasingly likely that a deal will not be signed by that date, which makes it increasingly likely that Full Tilt will ask for another extension.
With their customers becoming more anxious and angry by the day, Full Tilt has seemingly decided to become more forthcoming in an attempt to buy themselves some more time.
In any event, a statement from Full Tilt Poker is expected to be released sometime this week, with more statements expected in the near future.
Edit: Full Tilt Poker reportedly released a statement to Forbes earlier tonight - no word on when this statement will become available to the general public.
Filed Under: Online Poker Rooms