Jeff Ifrah Continues to Warn Against Full Tilt License Revocation
Published on September 26th, 2011 2:31 pm EST
Full Tilt Poker attorney Jeff Ifrah has been doing plenty of talking though, and he had a number of things to tell earlier today.
Ifrah has reportedly been in France over the past week, participating in negotiations with the "French investment group". According to Ifrah, he has personally met with the investors and has "seen the funds".
Ifrah says that the investors have "one major reservation":
"The investors are totally committed to doing this- we've met with them and seen the funds. Their primary concern right now is the AGCC's decision on Full Tilt's license. The investor's position is that if Alderney revokes the license, they won't go through with the deal because it makes things too difficult."
Ifrah also said that the investors "are currently in Alderney to meet with the AGCC".
More from the article:
"They called and volunteered to discuss their commitment directly with the commissioners. Without hesitation, they are prepared to review the terms of their offer. Additionally, they've hired a prominent and respected lawyer in the gaming industry and are setting up a meeting with the DOJ to try and work out the issues Full Tilt has in the U.S."
The AGCC hasn't said anything as of yet about the possible deal and whether it will keep them from revoking Full Tilt Poker's licenses. According to multiple reports, the AGCC was reportedly close to making a decision last week (which likely would have been bad news for Full Tilt Poker), but decided to hold off.
You can see what is coming if the AGCC eventually decides to terminate Full Tilt Poker's licenses. Full Tilt will point at the AGCC and say, you guys cost us the deal that would have saved the company.
Source: - Exclusive: Full Tilt Investors Nearing Deal
Filed Under: Online Poker Rooms