Yahoo has taken the plunge into the lucrative world of online poker and has launched their very own real money poker room.

The software will be powered by Boss Media.
There are a few interesting things to note when considering this news:
1. Considering the amount of marketing might that Yahoo has, how long until Yahoo is the largest poker room on the Net, assuming that it is a top priority for the company?
2. Will other companies follow suit? Will the world of online poker soon be dominated by large cap companies such as Yahoo and even Google?
3. How many fish will be in the Yahoo poker room? I am assuming that the numbers of fish will be absolutely mind-boggling, as Yahoo will attract all of the casual players who might not be very good.
All in all, a very interesting move by Yahoo, and one that was expected for a while. It will be interesting to see which companies follow suit.
The new Yahoo poker site is located at
Filed Under: Other Poker News