"Zoom" Poker Closer to Being Launched
Published on March 15th, 2012 7:15 pm EST
Jones also revealed that Pokerstars plans to offer "nano-stakes no-limit hold'em and Pot Limit Omaha cash games" for "Zoom" poker to start, but that the longer term plan involves offering higher stakes and even possibly limit hold'em and tournaments "as time goes on".
Pokerstars is clearly making sure that everything is perfect before doing a full-scale launch of "Zoom" poker. "Zoom" poker is almost certainly going to be a cash cow for the company, so they want to make sure that all of the bugs are ironed out before it goes live.
At the same time, Pokerstars surely wants to launch "Zoom" poker before Full Tilt Poker and "Rush Poker" return to the marketplace (if they return).
Any way you slice it, fast-deal poker fanatics will soon be getting their fix once again.
Source: 2+2
Filed Under: Online Poker Rooms