Two Plus Two Forum Back Online After Two Weeks of Downtime
Published on May 12th, 2012 2:12 am EST
In late April, the Two Plus Two forums were compromised by a hacker and subsequently taken down by the site's owners in order to properly fix the problem. The site reportedly brought in experts to make sure that everything was patched properly, and they are obviously happy enough with the results to relaunch the site.
Here is the note that will appear when you access the forums:
"Welcome Back! As most of you know, we had a problem that meant the forums had to be taken down for a little over two weeks. In order to log into the forums you must reset your password. To do this - enter the e-mail address for your forum account into the Password Recovery Form and then follow the instructions that are mailed to you."
The Two Plus Two forums are coming back just in time, as the World Series of Poker is set to start in just a few weeks.
Link: TwoPlusTwo
Filed Under: Other Poker News