Negreanu: "Pokerstars Remains The Cheapest Place To Play Online Poker"
Published on November 2nd, 2014 8:11 pm EST
Planned rake increases, however, the majority of which are set to be implemented on Monday, November 3rd, have really pushed some people over the edge. Amaya Gaming Group, which purchased the parent company of Full Tilt Poker and Pokerstars earlier in the year, seems intent on making Pokerstars less friendly to regular players/grinders, as evidenced by the rake increases and a likely overhaul of the VIP program (which will almost surely negatively impact regular players on the site) next year.
The planned rake increases were met by threats of boycotts and calls for Daniel Negreanu to sever his ties with Pokerstars.
At the very least, players wanted to know what Daniel Negreanu, the outspoken face of Pokerstars and one of the biggest names in poker, thought about the proposed changes. Negreanu has been very outspoken about certain issues impacting the poker community in the past - what would he say about the recent changes at Pokerstars?
Negreanu acknowledged the need to make a statement on his Twitter account a few days ago, stating he would he take some time to read the news so that he could respond "responsibly". Negreanu issued a statement earlier this weekend via his site (link below).
For many, Negreanu's statement was underwhelming.
The main points of Negreanu's statement:
-Pokerstars remains the cheapest place to play online, despite the planned rake increases
-the WSOP increased their rake a few years ago and the attendance numbers have continued to increase
-the Spin N' Gos were planned long before Amaya Gaming Group took over the company
-Pokerstars' current strategy should result in a continued influx of new players which should translate into even more profit for online grinders in the long run
Those hoping that Daniel Negreanu would loudly denounce Amaya for their recent actions were left disappointed with his statement.
Source: - My Two Cents on the Pokerstars Changes
Filed Under: Online Poker Rooms