"Tornado111", "Anushan_2323" Win Million Dollars
Published on January 20th, 2015 7:35 pm EST
"sss66666", who is reportedly a handyman from Southern Russia, took down the first Million Dollar Spin and Go about a week ago. This past weekend, two players, one from the Czech Republic ("Tornado111") and one from Canada ("Anushan_2323") took down million dollar paydays of their own.
According to Pokerstars, the odds of sitting at a Million Dollar Sit and Go are 10,000,000 to 3.
In addition to getting very lucky by sitting down in a Million Dollar Spin and Go in the first place, "Tornado111" also got lucky with both of the hands that knocked out his opponents.
The first hand saw "newann" get all-in against "Tornado111" pre-flop holding As-Kc. "Tornado111" was well behind with his Ac-Tc but flopped a ten in order to knock "newann" out of the tournament.
The final hand of the event saw "RusGreen" get all-in holding Ah-2h while "Tornado111" held the 6h-5d. Things were looking excellent for "RusGreen" after a flop of Js-7s-As. Unfortunately for "RusGreen", the turn and river gave "Tornado111" a nine-high straight and he walked away with a million dollars, while "newann" and "RusGreen" took home $100,000 each.
"Anushan_2323" had quite the battle to win his million dollar prize as both "jukebox72" and "ChipsMongot" looked to be in good position over varying points of the match to take home the big prize. In the end, however, it was "Anushan_2323" who came out on top. The final hand of the match saw "Anushan_2323" get all-in with Ac-Kd against the pocket Eights of "ChipsMongot". The race was won by "Anushan_2323" and he/she took home the seven figure prize.
Source: PokerstarsBlog.com - Weekend Brings Two New Spin and Go Millionaires
Filed Under: Online Poker Rooms