I thought that Bodog was in huge trouble when they lost some of their top domains a few weeks ago in a patent dispute. For those that didn't know, some "patent trolls", as Calvin Ayre calls them, won a default judgment case in Washington State. The "patent trolls" claimed to have a patent to accept bets online or something, and filed a multi-million dollar lawsuit against Bodog seeking damages. Well, Bodog didn't defend the case, and they lost. Next thing you know, the plaintiffs are in possession of some of Bodog's most valuable domain names, and Bodog is essentially offline.
The way that Bodog went on the attack was quite something though, and they earned a lot of respect from us. They quickly moved their online dealings to newbodog.com, and basically announced all-out war on the "patent trolls." The thing is, this news story was such a big deal that Bodog received a tremendous amount of publicity. From what I have heard, even with their choice domain names being plucked from them, they still reported an increase in both traffic and signups from new players. That's quite impressive.
The thing about Bodog is that they have the right people in place to make sure that their new home, Bodog, quickly takes over in the search engine rankings just as the old Bodog used to do. With this fire lit underneath of them, I don't think that it will take long for Bodog to regain its lost rankings.
I am sure that the hope of the "patent trolls" was to garner a huge payout from Bodog in order to get their domain names back; I honestly think that Bodog is just going to move on. I really don't expect Calvin Ayre to fork out the tens of millions of dollars that the "patent trolls" would surely be asking for. I think that bodoglife.com is here to stay.
Filed Under: Online Poker Rooms