Most of the well-known "live" pros are already under contract to different online poker rooms; it would make sense that Full Tilt Poker and Pokerstars start to go after the younger generation of poker players. Over the past few weeks, a number of young poker stars have been signed to contracts. Annette "Annette_15" Obrestad signed with Betfair, and Jon "Pearljammed" Turner, Niki "Kaibuxxe" Jedlicka and Jared "TheWacoKidd" Hamby all recently signed deals with Full Tilt Poker.
Now the question is: if you were running a major poker room and had a say as to who was signed to contracts with your site, who would you go after?
You would probably want to sign players with a mixture of online and live success, plus people who are generally well-liked and well-respected online.
Our first pick (although it is rumored he has already signed a deal with Full Tilt) would be Sorel "Imper1um" Mizzi. He is one of the most successful players online, and has nearly a million in cashes in live play. He is also a nice guy, and well-respected by his peers. Assuming he hasn't already signed with someone, he'd be our first pick.
Next up would have to be Chad "Lilholdem954" Batista. Batista is arguably the best tournament player online, EVER. Plus, he has had quite a bit of success playing live. Also, from everyone that I have talked to that has met him, he's a great guy. If I were picking my first online poker room to sign up at, I'd definitely go for the room that had a sponsored player with a platinum grill.
Scott "SCTrojans" Freeman would have to be signed as well if I were running a poker room. He is probably the hottest player online right now, and has had some live success as well (went deep in the World Series of Poker.)
These three players will all have deals in the next few months, if they want them, in my opinion. Any poker room would be foolish not to sign them to sponsorship deals. Not only are they hugely successful online players, but they have all had success playing live.
Filed Under: Online Poker Rooms