Definition of Bleeding Chips
What does the term "bleeding chips" mean in the game of poker? What is meant when somebody is said to be "bleeding chips"?
"Bleeding chips" refers to when a player in a poker game is slowly but surely losing all of the chips in their stack.

Casual players will often find themselves "bleeding chips" thanks to their insistence on playing weak hands out of position.
For instance, let's say that a weak player is sitting in a $1/$2 cash game. There is an early raise and a call. Action folds around to the weak player in the SB who is holding the 4-5 of diamonds. This player is not getting the proper odds to call but decides to call anyways, hoping to hit something on the flop.
The flop brings Ks-Kc-Ah. The weak player in the SB checks and clearly can not continue on in the hand. The original raiser leads out with a bet and both of his opponents fold.
Being a "calling station" can lead to a player "bleeding chips".
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