Definition of Hero Call
What is the definition of the term "hero call" in the game of poker? What does the term "hero call" mean in poker?
A "hero call" occurs when somebody makes a marginal call based on a read that they think they have on their opponent.

After a flop of A-K-8, you and the bluffer are the only two people in the hand. He bets, and you call with 8-7 off suit. You are certain that he is bluffing with nothing.
The turn brings the 4 of hearts. Again, he bets, and you call.
The river brings the 4 of spades. He pushes the rest of his stack into the middle, and you call after a bit of thought.
This is a "hero call", as you are making a call with a marginal holding specifically because you have a read on your opponent. You think that he is holding nothing but trash, and you decide to make the call.
He instamucks his hand after you make the call, and you proudly turn over your 8-7 offsuit.
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