Brunson Speaks Out on Full Tilt Poker, Bitar and Lederer
Published on February 21st, 2012 2:55 pm EST
It’s been over ten months since “Black Friday” took place, and nearly eight months since Full Tilt Poker was shut down by the AGCC. After all that time, there is still no deal in place to save the company, and both US and ROW (rest of world) players are still unable to access their account balances.
Doyle Brunson, as he mentions in his blog, is friends with a large number of Full Tilt Poker’s shareholders, so he is in a unique position to talk about the situation.
Some of what is included in Doyle’s blog:
-says that he’s been in contact with Lederer over the past few months, and that Lederer looked him in the eye and said that he (Lederer) had no knowledge of the company’s financial problems
-wonders why Full Tilt Poker never had a CFO that would look after the company’s finances
-wonders where the AGCC (Alderney Gambling Control Commission) was in all of this, as they had the “responsibility to see that the players funds were secure”
-believes that Bitar thought that he could “work his way out of the trouble” that Full Tilt Poker was in, but then “Black Friday” took place and “everything came to the surface”.
-believes that Bitar continued to pay out the massive dividends to “give the illusion that everything was alright”
-understands why those with close ties to the company are listening to their lawyers and not making any public statements
Brunson’s blog came about a week after Daniel Negreanu laid into Bitar, Ferguson and Lederer on Youtube:
Source: Doyle Brunson’s Blog
Filed Under: Poker Scandals