"Isildur1" Takes $200k From "durrrr"
Published on December 9th, 2012 7:07 pm EST
Blom and Dwan squared off on four $100/$200 No Limit Hold'em tables, with the winner being the person who managed to take $200,000 from his opponent.
The match ended up lasting roughly 2 1/2 hours, with "Isildur1" needing 1,381 hands to take $200,000 from Dwan.
The final hand of the battle came when "durrrr" pushed his last remaining $3,500 holding pocket Tens. Blom called holding Ac-3c, and after the board ran out Qs-8c-6d-Ah-6s, Blom was declared the winner.
Over the course of the match, Blom and Dwan ended up playing over a total of 6 different tables. On one table, Blom managed to take over $104k from "durrrr", while on another he won over $71k.
In one of the larger pots of the day, "durrrr" elected to push his remaining stack (over $11k) into an $8,400 pot with the board reading 7s-Jc-Js-2s. "Isildur1" immediately called, and the two players turned over:
"durrrr" - As-5c
"Isildur1" - Jh-9c
"Isildur1" scooped the $31k pot after the river brought the 2h, giving him a full house.
It will be interesting to see if Dwan elects to square off against "Isildur1" again after today's lopsided battle.
Filed Under: Cash Games