Ramage Picks Up $502,165, WCOOP Main Event Seat With Victory
Published on August 5th, 2014 4:01 am EST
The WCOOP Challenge Series main event, which was a $2,100 NLHE event with three re-entries per player, ended up easily surpassing its $2 million guarantee. 1,243 entries and 256 re-entries ended up contributing to a prize pool of $2,998,000, with the eventual winner taking home $502,165 and a seat to the upcoming WCOOP main event.
It was a marathon victory for Grayson "gray31" Ramage, as he managed to outlast over 1,200 players and two gruelling days of play to take down the $502,165 first place prize. The final hand of the event came with Ramage holding a 5.5-1 chip lead over Andreas Hogh of Denmark. Hogh moved all-in over the top of a pre-flop raise from Ramage, and Ramage decided to make the call. The two players flipped over:
"gray31" - Kd-Ts
"Hoegh93" - As-Js
The flop was an interesting one as it came 6s-7c-8d. Hogh was still ahead in the hand, though Ramage now had a gutshot straight draw.
The turn brought the 9d, giving Ramage the 10-high straight and the lead in the hand. Hogh was down to just three outs as he needed one of the remaining 10s in the deck to make a higher straight.
The river brought the 7s, giving Ramage the victory and the $502,165 first place prize.
Here is how the final table ended up finishing out:
1st - "gray31", $502,165
2nd - "Hoegh93", $367,255
3rd - "guyguy12", $277,315
4th - "weekesy333", $203,864
5th - "daskalos20", $146,902
6th - "GR8MIND", $116,922
7th - "SsicK_OnE", $86,942
8th - "p0cket00", $56,962
9th - "Festivuss", $30,879.40
Canada did especially well at the final table, as four of the final table participants hailed from Canada.
Filed Under: Tournament Results