Lampropulos Takes Home £1,000,000 With Victory
Published on April 23rd, 2017 5:52 pm EST
Up until today, Lampropulos' biggest cash was a second place finish in which she collected $103,907. Today's £1,000,000 cash, which translates into a little less than $1.3 million USD, will roughly quintuple Lampropulos' total live tournament cashes.
After Lampropulos took down the tournament, the ladies present at Dusk Till Dawn exploded in happiness, as everyone from waitresses to players at a nearby ladies tournament all took the time to congratulate Lampropulos on her victory as confetti streamed down from the ceiling. Winning the tournament was no easy feat for Lampropulos, as she had to top thousands of other entrants to win the £,1,000,000 first place prize, so she was surely feeling a mixture of elation and exhaustion.
Jacob Mulhern, who finished in second place for £650,000, tried his best to top Lampropulos though ended up falling just short.
The final hand of the tournament came when Mulhern and Lampropulos got it all-in pre-flop - they turned over:
Mulhern: Ah-Qc
Lampropulos: Ks-Kc
The board ran out 9c-6s-3h-5s-4s, giving Lampropulos the victory with her pair of Kings. The 24 year-old Mulhern, however, was still ecstatic with the result, as he qualified for the tournament through a $22 online satellite.
As mentioned, thousands of players turned out for the £5,300 buy-in event, which ended up creating a total prize pool of over £6 million.
Here is how the final table ended up finishing out:
1st - Maria Lampropulos, £1,000,000
2nd - Jacob Mulhern, £650,000
3rd - Jeremy Pantin, £450,000
4th - Mateusz Rypulak, £320,000
5th - Jon Spinks, £220,000
6th - Stephen Chidwick, £150,000
7th - Katie Swift, £100,000
8th - Neel Murthy, £72,395
Filed Under: Tournament Results