Galfond Books €87k Win Against Cates
Published on May 7th, 2020 12:19 pm EST
He recently came back to defeat "VeniVidi" in the first Galfond Challenge.
He is currently leading Bill Perkins in the second "Galfond Challenge".
He is currently leading "ActionFreak" in the third "Galfond Challenge".
As if all of that weren't enough, Galfond also found time in his busy schedule to defeat Daniel "Jungleman" Cates in a "Mini Galfond Challenge".
Cates, who looked like he was playing in some sort of jail cell, ended up losing by €86,870.52 after the short 750 hand challenge was completed. In the end, Cates and Galfond ended up playing a total of 754 hands of €100/€200 Pot Limit Omaha.
Galfond and Cates are still planning on playing a longer challenge at a later date.
There was no side bet on the line in the "Mini Challenge", aside from a video from the loser declaring that the winner was the "better man".
Galfond was not showing his cards in the "Mini Challenge", even though "Jungleman" was. In order to make things fair, Galfond agreed to send his hands over to "Jungleman".
This way, neither man will have an advantage when they settle in for their longer "Challenge" later this year.
Galfond is taking on all comers and beating everybody as of this moment.
Filed Under: Cash Games