Polk Offers Hellmuth $1 Million Freeroll
Published on May 8th, 2021 1:58 pm EST
Earlier this week, Phil Hellmuth defeated Daniel Negreanu in their "High Stakes Duel" rematch.
This put Hellmuth up 2-0 in their series of heads-up challenges.
Shortly following the conclusion of the Hellmuth/Negreanu rematch, the "retired" Doug Polk issued a challenge on Twitter to Hellmuth:
Hey @phil_hellmuth
— Doug Polk (@DougPolkVids) May 7, 2021
25k hands 200/400 HUNL 2 tables 100 bb
I'll put up a free 1 million dollars if you win.
My $1,000,000 to your $0
Come get some
So, Polk is offering Phil Hellmuth a deal that should be almost impossible to refuse - the chance to earn a $1 million freeroll if "The Poker Brat" is able to come out on top of a 25,000 hand Challenge.
This would obviously be played online, which would certainly be to Polk's advantage. There is almost no chance that Hellmuth would agree to this under normal circumstances, which is why Polk decided to include the $1,000,000 freeroll.
Given Hellmuth's confidence in his game, I can't see him turning down this challenge.
In fact, he Retweeted Polk's challenge Tweet, which would seem to indicate that things may be going ahead.
Polk would obviously be a big favourite here, just as he was in the Challenge against Negreanu.
Would Hellmuth stand a better chance of beating Polk than Negreanu?
Will Hellmuth accept the Challenge?
How long would it take to complete?
Railbirds may soon have another big Challenge to watch, involving two of poker's most polarizing personalities.
Filed Under: Cash Games