Published on October 17th, 2007 3:43 am EST

king talks on the cellphone in regards to the absolute poker investigationAbsolute Poker has issued a statement tonight in regards to the many new allegations that have been made against their site over the past 48 hours.

Absolute Poker have now said that they will be submitting to an independent third party audit, which will be done by Gaming Associates. Absolute Poker has said that Gaming Associates will be conducting a thorough investigation to determine whether someone may have had access to hole card information, and how they may have exploited that information.

Allegations have been made against the former CEO of Absolute Poker, Scott Tom. Absolute Poker has said that Mr. Tom will be the subject of a formal investigation.

A good deal of information has been posted over the last few days that would seemingly tie the former CEO to the "363" account that has caused so much controversy.

A popular theory right now is that the "363" account had access to hole cards of every player at the table, and that previously dormant accounts were seized and used to dominate tournaments, with the proceeds then being dumped off to other accounts under the control of the perpetrators. This would explain why accounts suddenly came out of nowhere to dominate high buy-in tournaments, and then just as quickly disappeared.

I would hope that Absolute Poker and the third party auditor would agree to let a few representatives from the online poker community take part in the investigation as well, as certain members of the online community did some tremendous detective work in terms of digging up the details which have sparked this investigation.

Plus, it would be nice to know that all of the details were being presented to the third party auditor. Who's to say that Absolute would be 100% forthcoming in turning over all of the details to the third party auditor. I would suggest that if Absolute has any hopes of overcoming this controversy, they need to let a couple respected members of the online poker community observe and aid every step of the investigation. I vote for Nat Arem and Todd Witteles, but that's just me.

Anyways, this story gets more and more interesting by the day. I am sure that tomorrow will bring new allegations.

One more thing, if you are reading this article and don't really understand what is going on, then I would suggest heading over to, or All three sites have great threads that cover all of the details of the story so far.

Edit: Here is a great link if you want to be fully brought up to speed on the case being built against Absolute Poker


Filed Under: Poker Scandals

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