555 people entered this event, all vying for the first place prize money of just over 700,000 euros. Second place receives just over 400k euros, and third place receives 235k euros.
32 players started Day 3, and by the end of the day, we were down to nine players. The most notable casualty from Day 3 was Marc Karam, who was eliminated in 20th place, receiving just over 12k euros for his troubles.
There was a particularly big hand during Day 3 play that we thought was worth mentioning. This comes straight from the Pokerstars blog that is covering the event:
The board was reading 9c 8c 7c 9h. Tommy Pavlicek, Juha Lauttamus and Mikael Norinder all got their chips in the middle. Norinder showed Q 9 of spades for trip nines, Pavlicek showed 9 7 of diamonds for a full house, but Lauttamus showed 5c 6c for the flopped straight flush, and he took down the massive pot. That hand in that spot is a dream come true for any poker player.
Here is the final table seating, courtesy of the Pokerstars Blog:
Seat 1 – Juha Lauttamus – Finland – 567k
Seat 2 – Kristian Kjondal – Norway – 740k
Seat 3 – Gino Alacqua – Italy – 660k
Seat 4 – Markus Golser – Austria – 352k
Seat 5 – Mikael Norinder – Sweden -- 1,036,000
Seat 6 – Nedzib Suman – Sweden – 216k
Seat 7 – Dagomir Palovic – Slovakia -- 759k
Seat 8 – Johannes Strassmann – PokerStars player – Germany – 245k
Seat 9 – Arnaud Mattern – France – 980k
Filed Under: Tournament Results