Tom Dwan Becomes First Player To Top $1 Million Dollar Mark on Full Tilt More Than Once
Published on December 9th, 2008 10:53 am EST
Not to be outdone, "durrrr" became the only player to ever top the $1 million dollar mark more than once after running up a huge stack on "Ivey Mix" late last night / early this morning.
"durrrr" accomplished this task while sitting at a table with some of the best players in the world, including David Benyamine and Phil Ivey.
When all was said and done, "durrrr" managed to accumulate a stack of over $1.3 million dollars on the "Ivey Mix" table, before losing some of it back.
Dwan is off to an unbelievable start this month, and is likely up around $2 million dollars on Full Tilt over the first nine days of December.
There were a number of remarkable hands during the session. Here are two that caught my eye - the one that moved "durrrr" over the $1 million dollar mark, and an amazing hand vs David Benyamine and Phil Galfond.
1. Dwan vs Benyamine vs Galfond. Before the hand, "durrrr" has around $550k, Galfond has $99k and Benyamine has around $200k. Galfond is in the SB, Benyamine is in the BB and Dwan has the button.
Everyone folds to Dwan, who raises to $3,500 from the button. Galfond raises to $11,500 from the SB, Benyamine calls, Dwan re-raises to $46,000, Galfond and Benyamine both call.
The flop comes 8-J-3 rainbow. Galfond pushes his remaining stack, Benyamine pushes as well, and "durrrr" calls.
Benyamine shows J-K-A-9 double-suited for top pair and a backdoor flush draw.
Galfond shows J-8-10-Q for top two pair and a gutshot straight draw.
Dwan shows K-K-5-5 for an overpair.
The turn brought the 5 of clubs, giving Dwan a set. Benyamine was now drawing dead, while Galfond would need a Jack, Eight or Nine to win the pot.
The river brought ANOTHER five (the five of spades), giving Dwan Quad fives. Dwan took down the $504k pot, and both Galfond and Benyamine likely shook their heads in disbelief.
2. "durrrr" vs "world1969". "world1969" raised pre-flop to $3,500. Phil Ivey called. Dwan raised to $15,500 from the button, and both Ivey and "world1969" called.
The flop came 5-Q-4 with two hearts. "world1969" led out with a bet of $48,000. Ivey folded, Dwan pushed and "world1969" called.
"durrrr" showed K-9-A-Q with two hearts, while "world1969" showed Q-10-7-8 with two hearts as well. "durrrr" was ahead in the hand, as he had the better kicker on his pair of Queens and the higher flush draw. "world1969" had a gutshot straight draw as well.
The turn was the 2 of clubs, helping neither player.
The river was the Jack of hearts, giving Dwan the better flush and the $411k pot. With this pot, Dwan moved over the $1 million dollar mark on "Ivey Mix", becoming the first player to ever accomplish this twice in his career.
The high-stakes games on Full Tilt have been great as of late - let's hope that this continues.
Filed Under: Cash Games