Brandon Hall and Robert Mizrachi Chop 2009 Aruba Poker Classic Championship
Published on October 11th, 2009 7:32 am EST
Following the elimination of Chase Steely in third place, Hall and Robert Mizrachi agreed to a chop. The two players agreed that Mizrachi would take home a bit more money (due to the fact that he was chip leader heading into heads up play), and that each player would put up $30,000 for the eventual winner of the event.
After agreeing to the deal, Hall quickly surged past Mizrachi and took down the tournament a short while later.
In the final hand of the tournament, the two players pushed their stacks into the middle of the table after a flop of 8s-9h-2c.
Hall turned up Js-10d for an open-ended straight draw, while Mizrachi turned up 9c-6c for middle pair and a back-door flush draw.
The turn brought the Jd, giving Hall a pair of Jacks and the lead in the hand.
The river brought the Qd, giving Hall the nut straight and the tournament title.
Despite earning himself plenty of money after the chop, Mizrachi has to be a bit disappointed that he didn't earn himself the title, as he was the tournament chip leader for a substantial portion of the event.
Destiny seemed to be on Mizrachi's side after he put a couple of beats on the eventual 3rd and 4th place finishers of the event.
Eric "basebaldy" Baldwin, who ended up finishing in fourth place for over $126k, looked to be in good shape after getting all-in with A-Q against the A-7 of Mizrachi.
However, disaster struck for Baldwin, as a 7 spiked on the flop, and he wasn't able to catch a Queen on either the turn or the river.
Chase Steely, who was eliminated in third place for nearly $220k, looked to be in great shape to double up after getting all-in with his pocket Queens against the K-J offsuit of Mizrachi.
The flop was a good one for Steely, as it came Ah-10c-9d.
The turn brought the 2c, meaning that Steely would only lose the hand if a King or Queen spiked on the river.
The river brought one of the last two remaining Queens in the deck (the Queen of diamonds), and a shocked Steely was sent to the rail in third place.
Here is how the final day of play in the event finished out:
1. Brandon Hall
2. Robert Mizrachi
3. Chase Steely
4. Eric Baldwin
5. Jose Roberto Santos
6. Brock Parker
7. Matt Ross
Congratulations to Brandon Hall on his impressive victory..
Filed Under: Tournament Results