Definition of Swing
What does the term "swing" mean in the world of poker? What is the definition of the term "swing"?
In poker, a swing can refer to a dramatic movement in either your chip stack or your overall bankroll.

For instance - let's say that you sit down to play a bunch of cash game tables online one evening.
Over the course of your session, your bankroll swings from $10,000 to $11,500 to $8,200. Given the overall size of your bankroll, this can easily be classified as a large swing in your roll.
Let's say that you are playing in a tournament at your local brick and mortar casino.
Your stack endures a very large downwards swing, as you start at 15,000 chips and quickly find yourself with just 1,400. Your remain focused, however, and manage to build up to over a 2x starting stack over the course of just an hour.
Again - this would constitute a very big swing in your chip stack.
In order to be an effective player, you will need some incorporate some aggressiveness into your game (at least at times), and this will result in potentially large swings in your bankroll or chip stack.
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